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Scroll below for the answers to some frequently asked questions or click here to jump to a specific place.
What's the recommended treatment schedule?
• Acne: 3 - 4 Sessions | 2 - 3 weeks apart
• Aging/Sun Damage: 4 -6 Sessions | 5 - 8 weeks apart
• Scarring: 4 - 5 Sessions | 6 - 8 weeks apart
• Pigmentation: 3 - 6 Sessions | 2 - 4 weeks apart
How long will it take for me to see results?
Typically, you will see results after your first treatment. Lasting and more significant results will become visible after 4 to 6 treatments (spaced 2 - 6 weeks apart). The condition of your skin will continue to improve over the next 6 - 12 months after a course of treatments, especially when combined with the recommended post-treatment care from your therapist.
Is the treatment painful?
No. Most clients find that Dermapen4™reatments are relatively painless since extremely fine needles are used and they move very quickly. The process is minimally invasive and can be quite soothing.
Is there any downtime after treatments?
You may experience redness for 12 - 48 hours after the treatment, this will fade. Your skin may also feel a little dry initially but it will become smooth and radiant within a week. It’s extremely important in the first 24 hours to avoid sun exposure and to minimise the use of active skincare products. Most people are able to head back to work or normal activities immediately after treatment. Your therapist will apply a protective lotion (DP Dermaceuticals ™Cover Recover) which will reduce this redness with a cooling effect, as well as providing a bit of coverage and sun protection. You won’t need to cleanse or moisturise your skin for the next 12 hours or so, as products containing moisturising ingredients will have been applied as part of your treatment.
Can anybody have Dermapen4™ treatments?

What should I do after my microneedling treatment?
During the skin healing process, minor itching, hives, flaking, or redness may appear. If symptoms persist, please call your Dermapen practitioner. Do not pick, squeeze or agitate during the recovery period.
Please avoid the following activities for up to 2 days following a Dermapen procedure.
Direct ultraviolet exposure ( sun or solariums)
Intensive cardio, exercise or gym regimens
Excessively hot showers, bathing, spas or sauna
Spray or self-tanning solutions
Swimming in chlorinated pools or the ocean
Tattooing (including cosmetic tattooing)
Further clinical treatments including but not limited to: microdermabrasion, laser, intense pulsed light (IPL) chemical peels, muscle relaxant injections and dermal fillers should be avoided for up to two weeks.
What should I avoid after microneedling?
Please avoid the use of skincare products containing any of the following active resurfacing ingredients for up to 5 days following a Dermapen procedure.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA's) including but not limited to glycolic, lactic or malic acid
Beta hydroxy acid (BHA) including saliclic acid
Benzoyl peroxide
Retinoids, tretinoin, retinol, and retinaldehyde
High levels of Kojic or azelaic acid
Alcohol (including but not limited to) isopropyl alcohol/ de-natured alcohol / rubbing alcohol.
Does it cause hair to grow back thicker and darker?
No. Dermaplaning does not affect the actual hair follicle. This means it won't affect the way hair re-grows.
Every individual hair follicle has its own individual DNA, which we are born with.
This will determine whether it is vellus, or 'peach fuzz' (light, thin) or terminal (thicker, darker). Terminal hairs are predetermined. They tend to appear due to hormone changes i.e. pregnancy, menopause, and hormonal abnormalities.
Dermaplaning is gaining in popularity because it removes vellus hair from the face. When the vellus is removed, excess oils and dirt are also removed from the skin. This allows for make-up to have a flawless finish.
Does it hurt?
Dermaplaning does not hurt at all; it tingles slightly and some people find it quite relaxing.
Is there any downtime after treatments?
There is no downtime after dermaplaning except that occasionally the client will appear a little red after a session for up to an hour.
Can anybody have a dermaplane?
Most people can, but not everyone. A full assessment will be made to assess your suitability for dermaplane treatment.
How does the treatment work?
The treatment consists of a pre-packaged sterilised disposable needle that is applied lightly to the surface of the capillary. A low current is employed in this treatment. This is the same low current that is used in electrical epilation. This current produces a heating effect. When applied to the capillary, the structure and its contents coagulate (dry up).
The skin then needs to heal by allowing the dead skin cells that were involved in this process to push up to the surface of the skin and flake off. This is similar to the healing of a small abrasion the size of a pinprick.
Will the capillaries return once treated?
Once a capillary has been successfully treated (this may take a couple of treatments) it should not return. However, it's important to realise that should your skin be prone to the formation of these capillaries, others may appear after time.
Is it true the skin could be scarred from treatment?
If the skin is excessively overtreated there is a risk of some skin trauma. However, this is highly unlikely for the following reason. These capillaries lie superficially in the skin. They dry up under very little heat (low current). It would take significant extra current to cause this trauma.
How many treatments will it take to remove these capillaries?
This will entirely depend upon the individual. It depends on the extent of the condition, how the skin heals, and the size of the area being treated. All of this is discussed at the initial consultation, and you will be advised accordingly.
Is this treatment successful?
Yes, on superficial capillaries. The treatment is also very successful on smaller skin tags and milia, and smaller birthmarks.
Deeper capillaries will not respond to this treatment.
Does the treatment work on skin tags?
Sometimes - on small skin tags. The treatment consists of a minute pre-packaged sterilized disposable needle that is applied lightly to the skin tag. A low current is employed in this treatment. This is the same low current used in electrical epilation.
This current produces a heating effect and when applied to the skin tag structure and its contents, it coagulates (dries up). The skin then needs to heal allowing the dead skin cells that were involved in this process to push up to the surface of the skin and flake off. This is similar to the healing of a small abrasion the size of a pinprick.
How much downtime will I need?
The treated lesions should fully heal within 1 to 4 weeks. Scabs formed around the lesion will shed after a week to 10 days. Lesions on the leg are the slowest to heal.
Some people may develop a temporary change in skin colour or slight scarring in the treated area – pigment change is more common in darker skin types and may not be temporary.
Hair follicles can be damaged by cryotherapy. If the lesion is near hair, such as on the scalp, then a small amount of hair loss may occur. On rare occasions, superficial nerve damage may occur, depending on the location of the treated lesion. This may cause a feeling of numbness/tingling in the treated area which may last a few months.
If a treated lesion does not heal as expected, or there is pain or redness after a few days, then you should contact the practitioner again as these could be signs of an infection.

Can a GREEN PEEL® treatment be performed in the summer?
Yes. Our GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling treatment is performed in more than 50 countries, including South Africa where the sun shines almost all year long. A GREEN PEEL® treatment can be done at any season. However, intensive sunbathing should initially be avoided after a GREEN PEEL® Classic treatment, as the skin is particularly sensitive to sunlight.
Is a GREEN PEEL® treatment painful?
There are 3 methods of the GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling: Fresh up, Energy and Classic. During all three methods our GREEN PEEL® Herbs are massaged into the skin. Depending on massage pressure and consistency of the skin, this can involve sparkling and prickling, but no pain. At worst, the herbal massage might be slightly uncomfortable. The main difference between the stronger method, our GREEN PEEL® Classic and the 2 softer methods are pressure and duration of massage.
Is a GREEN PEEL® treatment aggressive?
No. Our Herbal Peeling is purely natural and doesn't include chemical substances or abrasive particles.
Does the skin have to peel after a GREEN PEEL® Classic?
No. The strength of the skin peeling is dependent on individual condition. However, this has no influence on the effect of GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling. The herbs always initiate a regeneration process in the skin.
Can I leave the house after a GREEN PEEL® Classic?
Every skin is individual. Before the treatment, it is not possible to predict how intense the peeling will be. With most customers, the skin starts to peel on the third day after treatment. On day 5, after the mandatory Beauty Finish treatment, the peeling process is mostly completed. If you prefer not to be seen in public during the peeling process, you should schedule the GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling treatment for a Wednesday, so the peeling process will take place over the weekend.
The post-treatment will follow on Monday, and then downtime, if any, is minimized.
What's the difference between GREEN PEEL® and fruit acid peels?
Our Original GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling is based on a medically refined and internationally proven biological method, on a pure natural basis. It is safe and can be used with almost any skin type. GREEN PEEL® does not need machines and successfully solves a wide variety of skin problems.
However, fruit acid peeling is a chemical peeling treatment, which is based on milk, lemon, apple or wine acid. A fruit acid peeling is preferably done in low sunlight months, in order to avoid excessive sun exposure. This kind of peeling requires 8-10 sessions in weekly intervals before showing visible results.
Does a GREEN PEEL® treatment make my skin thinner/more sensitive?
No. After a GREEN PEEL® treatment the skin is young and fresh. With every GREEN PEEL® your skin becomes stronger, firmer and resistant. Metabolism is activated, microcirculation as well as the interlocking of skin layers is improved. This results in the skin receiving more oxygen and nutrients. The connective tissue fibers (collagenous and elastic fibers) are activated, and metabolic wastes removed.
Which one is right for me?
GREEN PEEL® Fresh Up (without skin peeling) is suitable for: pigmentation disorders, tired, pale skin und for general dissatisfaction with skin condition.
GREEN PEEL® Energy (without skin peeling) is suitable for: age related skin conditions, impurities, pale skin, scars and pigmentation disorders*.
GREEN PEEL® Classic (with skin peeling) is suitable for: large-pored skin, impure skin, scars, premature wrinkle formation, sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation*, stretch marks and sagging body skin
(*several treatments needed).